• ABOUT US


    The Rules Review Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Governors delegated to fulfill the advisory responsibility to the Arizona Supreme Court to analyze any matter dealing with court rules.


    Promptly study, receive input from stakeholders, and make recommendations to the Board regarding rule petitions and comments to petitions that would improve the functioning of the system and administration of justice. Prepare an annual report of all filed pleadings.

    Arizona Supreme Court Rules

    The Arizona Court Rules Forum is the Arizona Supreme Court's website that allows you to electronically file and monitor your own court rule petitions and comments. The Forum provides visitors with a single point of access to all aspects of court rule-making in Arizona: from a database of the existing rules of court to recent amendments of those rules, pending rule petitions and comments, recent court actions on rules, and an annual schedule of the Court's consideration of rules. The site includes existing rules, pending rule petitions and comments, recent court actions on rules, and an annual schedule of the Court's consideration of rules.  

    Rules Review Committee Stakeholder List

    Before taking action and making a recommendation to the Board of Governors on any proposed rule change petition, comment or reply the Rules Review Committee notifies, via email, the people on its Stakeholder List. Notifications regarding recent rule amendments and other items of interest regarding court rules are sent. If you would like to be added to the Stakeholder List, please contact:

    Patricia Seguin
    Rules Administrator

    This page is managed by Patricia Seguin